Choose the Good: Taking Back Our Lives One Choice at a Time

Choose the Good: Taking Back Our Lives One Choice at a Time

So I am trying to make good choices. In my last blog, I talked about my family's mission to "choose the good" in 2016. I know, that seems like kind of an obvious thing to choose, but really, there's more to it.

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For the Love of Books and Other Things (That Didn't Come Out of Your Womb): Owning What You Love

For the Love of Books and Other Things (That Didn't Come Out of Your Womb): Owning What You Love

Reading. Ah. Yes. That moment when you open the book find your place on the page and fall right into the world you left off on before sleep stole it you from you, your lunch break ended, or your kids called up from the basement moaning in hunger. 

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